Gütersloh ... is right in the middle
In the middle of Germany, and not just easy to reach over the data highway. An economic location of international standing, with a population of almost 100,000 it is the capital of one of the largest districts (in area) in Nordrhein-Westfalia, Germany.

District town Gütersloh
Motorway: A2/A33
Train: Intercity-destination Hanover-Cologne
Airport: Paderborn/Lippstadt (approx. 30 km), Münster/Osnabrück (approx. 60 km), Dortmund (approx. 70 km), Düsseldorf (approx. 120 km), Hanover (approx. 100 km)
Ticket sales - bus terminal: Telephone: +49 180 1339933
...is tradition
The young town (established 1825) has an old town centre. The alte Kirchplatz (old church square) surrounding the Apostelkirche (Apostel church) is one of the finest of its type in Westfalia.

Starting out as a moorland village, it quickly developed throughout the middle of the nineteenth century into a town which was just as much characterised by the protestant entrepreneurial spirit as an early consciousness for social responsibility.
In the year 1824 Carl Bertelsmann opened here, on the Kirchplatz (church square), one of the first lithographers in Westfalia. Carl Miele established here 75 years later a 'Centrifugen- und Haushaltsgerätefabrik' (factory producing centrifuges and household appliances). The history of Gütersloh is centred in the Town Museum on the Kökerstrasse - but it is also to be found in many traditions which have continued on: from Nachtsanggeläut (special chiming of the church bells), morgendlichem Adventsgesang (singing at Advent) at Christmas, to a considerable endowment fund.
Stadtmuseum (City Museum)
Kökerstrasse 7-11a,
Telephone: +49 5241 26685
Carl-Miele Straße,
Telephone: +49 5241 89-0
Westfälisches Kleinbahn- und Dampflok- Museum (Museum for Light Railway and Steam Engine in Westfalia)
Postdamm 166,
Telephone: +49 5241 68466
Stadtarchiv Gütersloh (Gütersloh City Archive)
Hohenzollernstraße 30a,
Telephone: +49 5241 82-2302
...is development
Gütersloh, a young town which attracts young people. Traditional economic branches and up-and-coming future fields create a healthy structure, world-wide enterprises such as Miele and Bertelsmann have their head office here.

accommodates through the Bertelsmann endowment an international competence centre, which provides politics and society with trend-setting impulses. Education as investment in the future: the IT Academy guaranties a practice oriented course of study, Gütersloh is also home to a University of Applied Sciences with a number of courses. The town library acts as an international model - the media future has already begun.
Carl-Miele-Straße 29
Telephone: +49 5241 89-0
Bertelsmann AG
Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 270
Telephone: +49 5241 80-0
Bertelsmann Stiftung (Bertelsmann Foundation)
Carl-Bertelsmann-Straße 256
Telephone: +49 5241 8170
Stadtbibliothek (Town library)
Blessenstätte 1
Telephone: +49 5241 2 11 80 60 / 2 11 80 70
...is everyday
You are invited - for a stroll through the market on the Berliner Platz in the middle of the town, for an espresso in one of the street cafés on the Kobelplatz, shopping in one of the attractive shops and department stores, or business lunch in one of the comfortable restaurants between the Town Park and Mohns Park.

Everything near at hand: a discovery trip between attractions which have become a part of history, others modern day, and many hidden corners which can always be newly discovered. The approach is also simple: 'park & buy' is offered by all Gütersloh (tiefgaragen)underground car parks and (parkhäuser) multi-storey car-parks: discount on town-centre shopping.
Tiefgarage am Bahnhof
Tiefgarage Daltropstraße
Parkhaus Karstadt/Berliner Platz (Münsterstraße)
Parkpalette Stadthalle, Friedrichsstraße
Parkhaus Kirchstraße
Parkhaus Klingenthal, Kobelplatz
...and approx. 400 free parking spaces on the Marktplatz, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße/Prekerstraße, also free parking space for buses
Fahrradverleih am Bahnhof (bicycle rental at the train station) Telephone: +49 5241 12959
...is inviting
800 visitors beds, over 900,000 overnight stays yearly - whether on business or private: Gütersloh offers made-to-measure hotel comfort.

Tailor made to fit the visitor's wishes. The competent partner for conferences, trade fairs, exhibitions, and congresses: the Gütersloh Municipal Hall direct in the town centre.
Rathaus Gütersloh (Gütersloh Town Hall)
Berliner Strasse 70
Telephone: +49 5241 821
Stadthalle Gütersloh (Gütersloh Municipal Hall)
Friedrichstrasse 10,
Telephone: +49 5241 864213
...is relaxation
Gütersloh is green. Over 10 kilometres of winding promenades along the River Dalke, lush green enchanted gardens with an impressive old tree stock can be found from the town centre continuing on through the outskirts.

Easy on the legs and at the same time demanding: the Fuhrmannsweg for trampers. Long distance cycle routes (R1, R20) and romantic 'Pättkes' (cycle paths) offer fitness for free.
A jewel of garden art: The protected Botanical Garden with its "Apothekergarten", a fitness programm for the soul, open all year round.
Botanical Garden, Parkstraße, open all year
Fachbereich Grünflächen der Stadt Gütersloh
Telephone: +49 5241 822425
Tours through the Apothekengarten: Vekehrsverein (tourist information)
Telephone: +49 5241 822749
...is action
Whether alone or in an organisation, whether in the water on the market place, or in the gym, on the track, green, or across country - I can be what I want! Gütersloh: sports enjoyment as quality of life from kids upwards!

Fachbereich Sport, Gütersloh Town (Sports Department)
Friedrichstr. 10 (Stadthalle)
Telephone: +49 5241 822772
Stadtsportverbund (Town Sports Organisation) Gütersloh
Telephone: +49 5209 4210
Gütersloh swimming baths:
Die Welle
Stadtring Sundern
Telephone: +49 5241 822164
Nordbad (May-September)
Telephone: +49 5241 822715
...is discovery
Sun and sauna as if alongside a Finnish lake... greeting in Sunday with a late breakfast in the 'Weberei', or reminiscing of your childhood with the steam locomotive: Gütersloh is a journey of discovery - not an elite show, but rather entertainment for all those who are looking for the (family) connection.
Järve-Sauna in the open-air baths 'Die Welle'
Stadtring Sundern
Telephone: +49 5241 822164
Dampfkleinbahn Mühlenstroth (small steam locomotive)
(summer season only)
Postdamm 166
Telephone: +49 5241 68466
Parkbad (outdoor swimming baths for little children, entrance free)
Am Parkbad 6-7
Telephone: +49 5241 235858
'Wapelbad' (outdoor swimming baths)
Telephone: +49 5241 56929
Open May -September, entrance free
Freizeitanlage Mohns Park (leisure park)
Yorckstraße 8
Telephone: +49 5241 3299
...is many-sided
It depends on your perspective, Gütersloh has much to offer: daring works in galleries, the overview at the Kunstverein (local art organisation), authentic works at the symposium for young art.

The street becomes the stage during the 'Langen Nacht der Kunst' (Long Night of Art). Friendly creatures from the world of fantasy softly roam along the 'Fabelweg' on the banks of the River Dalke.
Kunstverein Kreis Gütersloh (Art organisation)
Am alten Kirchplatz 2
Telephone: +49 5241 13466
Galerie Grabenheinrich
Kökerstraße 13
Telephone: +49 5241 29450
Fabelpfad an der Dalke (Fabel pathway along riverside).
With sculptures from Manfred Billinger;
Information from Galerie Grabenheinrich
Artothek in der Stadtbibliothek (Art rental in the library)
Blessenstätte 1
Telephone: +49 5241 2 11 80 60 / 2 11 80 70
...is ready for the stage
The curtain opens for the great theatre in the 'kleinen Haus' in the Barkeystraße, cabarett in the 'Weberei', and Neumeier's Hamburg Ballet in the Stadthalle (Municipal Hall).

Jazz fans from all over Germany make a pilgrimage here for the legendary jazz concerts featuring the stars of the scene. The 'neue Musik' is well represented here with grand composer portraits and premieres by Hans Werner Henze, Ligeti, or Penderecki.
The competition 'Neue Stimme' (New Voice) from the Bertelsmann endowment is one of the top events for the world-wide rising generation of singers. Cabaret, art, kitsch, and cinema: scenes from the culture centre 'Die Weberei', in the Bogenstraße. Without collar and tie: 'Gütersloher Sommer' on the outdoor stage in Mohns Park.
Ticket information: Service Center Gütersloh Marketing
Berliner Straße 63
Ticket Hotline: +49 5241 211 36 36
Stadthalle Gütersloh (Municipal Hall)
Friedrichstraße 10
Tickets: +49 5241 864244
Die Weberei
Bogenstraße 1-8
Telephone: +49 5241 234780
Jugendkulturring (youth culture group)
Eichhoffstraße 33
Telephone: +49 5241 822366
Filmkunsttheater 'Bambi/Löwenherz' (Filmtheatre)
Bogenstraße 3
Telephone: +49 5241 237700
'Gütersloher Sommer' Series of events through the summer months,
Telephone: +49 5241 822081
...is enjoyment
Whether Pfingstkirmes (Whitsun fair), Lange Nacht der Kunst (Long Night of Art), whether Weinfest zu Pfingsten (Whitsun wine festival) or Schinkenmarkt (Ham Market) in October - festivals are celebrated here as they come.
...is diverse
City life in the centre, rural neighbourhood lifestyle surrounding: whoever lives in Gütersloh can have both as required.

The town and the suburbs: two parts of a whole. Whether Isselhorst or Avenwedde, Friedrichsdorf or Spexard – these suburbs are the basis of the town, both place of residence and living centre, for those who still value a door to door welcome.
Excursion destinations, for example:
Distillery Elmendorf in Isselhorst with its large historical wooden vat, the district centre is a sightseeing location with church and old bar/restaurant Ortmeyer.
Spexarder Bauernhaus (Spexard farmhouse), built 1536, the oldest building in Gütersloh, used today as a town house for groups and organisations.
Lukasstraße 14
Telephone: +49 5241 460690