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Gütersloh ... is right in the middle

In the middle of Germany, and not just easy to reach over the data highway. An economic location of international standing, with a population of almost 100,000 it is the capital of one of the largest districts (in area) in Nordrhein-Westfalia, Germany.

Gütersloh von oben

District town Gütersloh

Motorway: A2/A33
Train: Intercity-destination Hanover-Cologne
Airport: Paderborn/Lippstadt (approx. 30 km), Münster/Osnabrück (approx. 60 km), Dortmund (approx. 70 km), Düsseldorf (approx. 120 km), Hanover (approx. 100 km)
Ticket sales - bus terminal: Telephone: +49 180 1339933
